paramilitary ranger 3.69   Police and paramilitary rangers surrounded the area.
  game ranger 1.25   It was our game ranger, Mark.
  lone ranger 0.99   I am not a lone ranger.
  climbing ranger 0.39   Five climbing rangers were on the Chinook helicopter that was dispatched from Fort Lewis and landed on the summit.
  pakistani ranger 0.39   Indian troops retaliated, killing a Pakistani ranger.
  para-military ranger 0.39   Police and para-military rangers have taken over security operations in the city.
  armed ranger 0.33   A dozen armed rangers provided protection.
  chief ranger 0.26   Bill Carroll said he spent the last eight years as chief ranger of the Big Cypress National Preserve.
  thai ranger 0.26   A Thai ranger unit had been put on standby.
  the ranger 0.26   Just then the other ranger backed his jeep, effectively blocking our retreat.
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