former pupil 3.95   Former pupil at Ampleforth College in Yorkshire.
  black pupil 2.57   The biggest gains were among black pupils.
  star pupil 2.11   Kheli was his star pupil.
  young pupil 0.86   Are these young pupils with homework actually learning more?
  younger pupil 0.79   In Texas, younger pupils rent older ones to read to them in the library.
  disruptive pupil 0.66   The move towards in-class support is equally valid for disruptive pupils.
  individual pupil 0.66   To encourage individual pupil use in their non-timetabled school day.
  the pupil 0.66   They said he was disturbing the other pupils.
  fellow pupil 0.59   I had none of the social graces of my fellow pupils.
  handicapped pupil 0.59   Teachers can be made aware of the real challenges that visually handicapped pupils have to face.
  new pupil 0.59   The head has already had to refuse entry to many new pupils.
  unruly pupil 0.59   Schools are booting out record numbers of unruly pupils.
  apt pupil 0.53   Fahey was obviously an apt pupil.
  primary pupil 0.53   And apparently, his primary pupil is listening and learning.
  secondary pupil 0.53   Similar but slightly larger amounts are allocated in the same way for secondary pupils.
  large pupil 0.39   Those with abnormally large pupils or dry eyes can also be considered poor LASIK candidates.
  older pupil 0.39   With the older pupils, unauthorized absence increased.
  prized pupil 0.39   Green is understandably proud of her prized pupil.
  first pupil 0.33   The first pupil to find the treasure is the winner.
  white pupil 0.33   Presence of white pupil in color photo.
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