man punch 1.12   It turned out that another man had punched Volpe.
  police punch 0.92   Police punched and kicked the handful who resisted.
  officer punch 0.79   In January, a St. Marc officer punched Jean-Marie.
  voter punch 0.66   Many voters punched yes for both sides.
  troop punch 0.53   Troops punched and kicked several students who did not move quickly enough.
  fruit punch 0.46   And the fruit punch rings on the marble sideboard?
  shell punch 0.46   The tank shell punched a hole in the living-room wall.
  soldier punch 0.46   Soldiers punched and hit some students with sticks.
  attacker punch 0.39   Attackers punched Muselier and beat him with iron bars.
  student punch 0.39   Finally, the student allegedly punched the priest in the face.
  boy punch 0.33   One distraught boy punched a wall and broke a finger.
  rocket punch 0.33   The rocket punched a gaping hole through the fifth and sixth stories of the apartment block.
  worker punch 0.33   Did the poll workers not punch hard enough?
  employee punch 0.26   But sitting in the middle of the office is a time clock that employees must punch daily.
  hole punch 0.26   Bush was listed first, his hole punch unambiguously his own.
  protester punch 0.26   One protester punched him in the face, an eyewitness told The AP.
  user punch 0.26   Using the list, a user need only punch a button to be connected.
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