israeli pullback 7.83   Arafat aides say voting after Israeli pullback.
  further pullback 1.84   Further pullbacks would depend on its success.
  partial pullback 1.38   Israel has publicly only agreed to a partial pullback.
  first pullback 1.18   Under this timetable, the first troop pullback would begin a month later.
  military pullback 1.05   The military pullback was not total.
  promised pullback 0.79   Except for Rwanda, there was no word on whether any off the promised pullbacks had started.
  significant pullback 0.72   To be sure, few investors anticipate a significant pullback.
  such pullback 0.72   The Palestinians said this week that such a pullback was insufficient.
  next pullback 0.66   We cannot predict what may touch off the next pullback, how severe it might be, or even when it might occur.
  unilateral pullback 0.66   A unilateral Israeli pullback from Lebanon would likely be bloody.
  additional pullback 0.53   A remaining sticking point is the scope of an additional pullback promised by Israel.
  limited pullback 0.53   Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has indicated he would only consider a limited pullback.
  complete pullback 0.46   Syria has insisted that no peace treaty with Israel is possible without a complete pullback.
  gradual pullback 0.46   Israel is proposing a gradual pullback to test each stage.
  second pullback 0.46   The second pullback is two months overdue.
  immediate pullback 0.39   Iraq demanded an immediate pullback by Turkish troops.
  sharp pullback 0.39   Despite the sharp pullback, analysts at ISI provided a glimmer of hope.
  total pullback 0.39   Syria has demanded a total pullback from the plateau.
  major pullback 0.33   There have been fears of a major pullback in bank lending.
  phased pullback 0.33   It has so far offered a four-year phased pullback.
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