groin pull 5.73   It was a groin pull.
  hamstring pull 4.61   Gonzalez was also bothered by hamstring pulls.
  muscle pull 3.03   A muscle pull cut short his training.
  tractor pull 1.71   Hold that many tractor pulls?
  camera pull 0.59   The camera pulls back.
  drawer pull 0.46   Weathered dressers dressed up with old crystal drawer pulls.
  army pull 0.39   Jewish settlers are threatening to set up a militia if the army pulls back in Hebron.
  troop pull 0.39   Egypt also rejected the Israeli troop pull back.
  trigger pull 0.33   I tested the trigger pull.
  door pull 0.26   The door pulls are just recesses behind the arm rests.
  man pull 0.26   The other men pull out their wallets and pay up their shares.
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