newspaper publish 27.45   Newspapers publish openly.
  magazine publish 7.18   The magazine published two of my stories.
  paper publish 6.45   All other papers publish in Arabic.
  company publish 5.53   The company also publishes Wired magazine.
  government publish 4.87   The German government is publishing its own list.
  group publish 3.49   The group has published what it found.
  report publish 2.63   Earlier press reports published Wednesday had put the toll at three.
  poll publish 1.84   Neither poll published a margin of error.
  journal publish 1.71   The journal published a rebuttal two weeks after its attack.
  study publish 1.45   The findings confirm a study published last December.
  medium publish 1.38   State-run media published his comments Tuesday.
  press publish 1.32   The press published near-hysterical articles.
  agency publish 1.25   The agency publishes both the Chronicle and Examiner.
  book publish 1.25   Every book ever published in a single volume?
  authority publish 1.12   The authority publishes its findings.
  organization publish 1.12   Fewer news organizations publish updates on them.
  tabloid publish 0.99   The tabloid published its second edition Tuesday.
  figure publish 0.92   Inflation figures published last week showed a large rise in food prices last month.
  researcher publish 0.92   The researchers published their findings the next year.
  survey publish 0.92   Forty-two percent were opposed, said the survey published in the Yedioth Ahronoth daily.
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