economic prosperity 13.69   This economic prosperity is filled with paradoxes.
  relative prosperity 3.03   But relative prosperity may be playing a role, too.
  greater prosperity 2.57   After the war, the country began to enjoy greater prosperity.
  new prosperity 2.57   You could be opening up the way to new prosperity.
  unprecedented prosperity 2.57   The South currently enjoys unprecedented prosperity.
  national prosperity 2.11   This is a great moment of national prosperity.
  future prosperity 2.04   Their new flat was a mausoleum to future prosperity.
  growing prosperity 1.71   Another reason was growing prosperity.
  continued prosperity 1.65   Or credit my moderation for continued prosperity.
  current prosperity 1.51   Much of the region has not shared in the current prosperity.
  unparalleled prosperity 1.32   We live in a time of unparalleled prosperity.
  american prosperity 1.25   Terrorists attacked a symbol of American prosperity.
  global prosperity 1.25   Trade, not aid, is the key to global prosperity, Frank said.
  general prosperity 1.18   Is it a function of general prosperity?
  long-term prosperity 1.05   But he said the foundation for long-term prosperity was solid.
  postwar prosperity 0.92   Waco has an abundance of ranch houses, thanks to its postwar prosperity.
  rising prosperity 0.92   Signs of rising prosperity are already evident.
  great prosperity 0.79   A. We are in a period of great prosperity.
  material prosperity 0.79   Yet material prosperity is in no way guaranteed.
  newfound prosperity 0.66   So, a very small slice of America is benefiting from the competitive revival and the newfound prosperity.
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