use produce 15.87   Ammonia is used to produce urea fertilizer.
  combine produce 3.09   The factors combine to produce more goals and fewer whistles.
  engineer produce 2.30   These are genetically engineered to produce a non-gloopy version.
  be produce 1.18   So, like any experiment, it costs more than if it were mass produced.
  cost produce 1.18   How much does it cost to produce them?
  work produce 0.92   No one can argue that the current closed system works to produce a budget on time.
  develop produce 0.46   As the industry grew, more specialized companies developed to produce specific components.
  do produce 0.46   What can I do to produce a watermelon?
  merge produce 0.39   Several lifestyle factors have merged to produce the canning comeback.
  interact produce 0.33   Several things interacted to produce that infamous fiasco.
  compete produce 0.26   Suppose that the number of firms competing to produce a good in one country is smaller than the number in another.
  cooperate produce 0.26   ANSA and Bloomberg are cooperating to produce this new television news venture which is broadcast by satellite by Telepiu.
  license produce 0.26   Officials said the plant was licensed to produce fireworks.
  process produce 0.26   All the input data is then processed to produce the nitrogen application maps.
  set_up produce 0.26   Although the Polytechnique was set up to produce engineers, its graduates must pursue further studies before they are fully fledged.
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