fresh produce 8.49   Fresh produce is rare.
  agricultural produce 4.48   Most of the exports are agricultural produce or textiles.
  organic produce 3.95   Most supermarkets now sell organic produce.
  local produce 2.70   Local produce is unavailable.
  grown produce 0.86   Across the country, consumer interest in locally grown produce has surged.
  imported produce 0.59   Only one percent of imported produce is inspected.
  mexican produce 0.59   Mexican produce has made dramatic inroads into the U.S. market over the past decade.
  dairy produce 0.53   They control dairy produce, apples, pears and kiwifruit.
  domestic produce 0.53   Many people stick with domestic produce.
  foreign produce 0.53   United Foods says it uses no foreign produce in its products.
  palestinian produce 0.46   Israel has also restricted the number of trucks carrying Palestinian produce into Gaza.
  selling produce 0.46   Long has been reduced to selling produce by the side of the road.
  surplus produce 0.46   Only Tanzania is predicted to have surplus produce.
  best produce 0.39   I shopped carefully, choosing only the best produce.
  cheap produce 0.39   But some EU members worry about throwing open their markets to cheap produce.
  seasonal produce 0.39   Chefs use them for their flavor and as a nod to seasonal produce.
  tropical produce 0.39   The economy is based almost entirely on exports of tropical produce.
  garden produce 0.33   She had filled a basket with her garden produce.
  new produce 0.33   Cashiers scan the new produce bar codes like any other item and the computer rings it up accurately.
  altered produce 0.26   The problem has not been consumer reluctance to buy genetically altered produce.
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