top priority 115.73   Safety will be a top priority.
  first priority 32.06   Brown is the first priority.
  high priority 26.33   This is a high priority unary operator.
  highest priority 11.65   Objects in parentheses have highest priority.
  higher priority 11.26   Our nation has higher priorities.
  low priority 7.24   ASC is a low priority for Fox.
  main priority 6.06   His main priority was boosting trade.
  national priority 6.06   National priorities are very different.
  legislative priority 5.79   Legislative priorities could shift dramatically.
  spending priority 5.73   Some have switched their spending priorities.
  immediate priority 3.62   There are two areas of immediate priority.
  major priority 3.55   He said this is a major priority of the department.
  different priority 3.23   Different priorities.
  new priority 2.76   Back in this country, he set new priorities.
  lower priority 2.57   A civilian, even a child, is a lower priority.
  urgent priority 2.44   He said urgent priorities need to be addressed.
  second priority 2.37   His second priority is viewers.
  greater priority 2.24   Green had greater priorities.
  political priority 2.24   They also have different political priorities.
  economic priority 2.17   They had clear thoughts on economic priorities.
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