take pride 42.26   He takes pride in the place.
  have pride 5.92   I have pride.
  swallow pride 4.81   You swallow your pride.
  express pride 2.50   They unabashedly express pride in being Welsh.
  restore pride 1.97   I want to restore pride in our public services.
  salvage pride 1.84   But Greece salvaged some pride.
  hurt pride 1.51   It hurts your pride.
  show pride 1.32   Show your pride.
  feel pride 0.99   Blacks feel pride.
  wound pride 0.72   Losing the match wounded his pride .
  foster pride 0.59   They cost a fraction as much, he said, and they foster local pride.
  instill pride 0.53   He aimed to write a text that instilled national pride.
  boost pride 0.46   And it could actually boost local pride in their new currency.
  celebrate pride 0.46   In Amsterdam, gay pride is celebrated annually with a carnival and a parade.
  contain pride 0.46   The boy could barely contain his pride.
  bring pride 0.39   It is an exploit that brings pride to the dust-choked, narrow streets here.
  bruise pride 0.39   His pride was bruised.
  inspire pride 0.39   He can inspire pride in other blacks.
  promote pride 0.39   A national drive to promote pride in traditional Chinese values and culture gives their cause a boost, he says.
  share pride 0.39   We absolutely shared a pride of this company.
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