wedding present 2.24   A wedding present, perhaps.
  early present 1.58   Is that an early Christmas present, that sweater?
  going-away present 0.99   It also would have made a nice going-away present.
  best present 0.92   That would be the best present.
  expensive present 0.66   He used to buy them expensive presents, out of guilt.
  small present 0.66   Mr. Bowden liked giving small presents to people he met.
  leaving present 0.59   ...a leaving present.
  nice present 0.59   What a nice present.
  perfect present 0.59   A perfect present for the technologically impaired.
  special present 0.59   I gave her a very special present for her birthday.
  big present 0.46   OK, this is a big present.
  lavish present 0.46   The pair traded lavish presents and fawning letters.
  great present 0.39   It would have been a great present.
  wrapped present 0.39   Players stand in a circle clutching a wrapped present.
  accessible present 0.33   The peninsula is at present accessible only by sea and air.
  eternal present 0.33   In effect, he remains condemned to an eternal present excavated by continual forgetting.
  family present 0.33   There also was no family present during the hanging.
  opening present 0.33   One family was opening presents.
  good present 0.26   Opera recordings make good big-ticket presents.
  little present 0.26   She had already made lists of little presents.
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