school prayer 15.01   He would allow voluntary school prayer.
  noon prayer 8.62   It was time for noon prayers.
  morning prayer 4.28   The morning Subuh prayer is a must.
  midday prayer 2.96   Some men knelt for midday prayers.
  group prayer 1.58   They huddle at midfield or at midcourt for group prayers after games.
  funeral prayer 1.32   Shiites went on the rampage during funeral prayers later Saturday.
  dawn prayer 1.25   Sixteen worshippers were hurt when the missile struck during dawn prayers.
  time prayer 1.12   I try to make my prayers five times a day.
  mosque prayer 0.53   But friends said he attended Friday mosque prayers regularly.
  session prayer 0.53   Local priests have been organizing prayer sessions.
  night prayer 0.46   Be a good boy and say your prayers every night.
  student prayer 0.46   Voluntary, individual student prayers are still legal in public schools.
  rain prayer 0.33   King Fahd already called for one rain prayer last month.
  sundown prayer 0.33   The attack targeted worshippers pouring into the streets following sundown prayers at the end of the Jewish sabbath.
  team prayer 0.33   Now, however, it is time for a team prayer.
  graduation prayer 0.26   That court also said graduation prayers could continue if they did not mention a specific diety.
  offer prayer 0.26   The men gathered outside on straw mats laid out on the earth and listened to the Imam from the local mosque offer prayers.
  thanksgiving prayer 0.26   Zia called for thanksgiving prayers on Friday, the sabbath in Muslim-majority Bangladesh.
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