muslim prayer 10.34   The crowd paused for Muslim prayers.
  special prayer 6.85   ...special prayers and lamentations.
  silent prayer 6.52   I say a silent prayer.
  daily prayer 5.07   The movement organizes daily prayers.
  weekly prayer 3.82   Many bases have space for weekly prayers.
  jewish prayer 3.62   Another wrote a Jewish prayer in Hebrew.
  islamic prayer 3.42   Others displayed Islamic prayer mats.
  moslem prayer 3.23   Traffic also has to stop five times a day for Moslem prayers.
  afternoon prayer 2.63   Maybe he was off to afternoon prayers.
  mass prayer 2.50   Other survivors held mass prayers in fields.
  brief prayer 2.30   He held a brief prayer session.
  traditional prayer 2.17   You can be sure they were not traditional prayers.
  voluntary prayer 2.17   A voluntary prayer amendment Istook calls it.
  public prayer 2.04   Public prayers are tools of evangelism, they argue.
  organized prayer 1.84   Organized prayer in public schools is unconstitutional.
  student-led prayer 1.78   It has appealed to the Supreme Court a U.S. Fifth Circuit ruling barring student-led prayer at games.
  private prayer 1.71   In fact private prayer may be the best mode of all.
  final prayer 1.65   Priests muttered the final prayers.
  short prayer 1.51   Sometimes I say a short prayer.
  christian prayer 1.18   Alfred was saved through Christian prayer groups.
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