cover pot 4.21   Cover the pot.
  stir pot 3.42   He was stirring a pot of soup.
  sweeten pot 3.16   Employers often sweeten the pot.
  make pot 2.70   Shall I make a pot of tea?
  smoke pot 2.50   He smoked pot.
  bring pot 2.11   Bring the pot to a boil.
  place pot 1.78   Place the pots in total darkness.
  use pot 1.78   Use handsome pots.
  fill pot 1.71   Fill the pot, but do not crowd it.
  put pot 1.45   Put the pot over medium heat.
  cook pot 1.38   I just love to cook a pot of beans.
  remove pot 1.38   Remove pot from heat.
  move pot 0.92   Move a pot with hot oil in it.
  have pot 0.86   So, now I have two pots of crowns, both gifts.
  bang pot 0.79   The crowd cheered, banging pots and tossing confetti into the air.
  leave pot 0.79   A plant pot was left on it, creating a white circle on the tile.
  return pot 0.72   Return the pots to medium-high heat.
  throw pot 0.66   He threw a pot at me.
  take pot 0.59   In the end, he was allowed to take his pots aboard.
  find pot 0.53   He found two pots, each wrapped in newspaper.
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