paint portrait 8.29   He is going to paint my portrait.
  carry portrait 2.63   They carried portraits of the missing people.
  do portrait 1.91   And he did commissioned portraits.
  draw portrait 1.78   This portrait was drawn at the time.
  create portrait 1.51   Leigh creates gritty portraits of the English working class.
  hang portrait 1.51   Hang the portrait.
  take portrait 1.51   Take the portrait.
  include portrait 1.38   Several eggs include portraits of the royal family, one egg opens to reveal a tiny gold coach.
  have portrait 1.25   John Singer Sargent has a portrait in the show.
  bear portrait 1.18   They were bearing portraits of the murdered leader, black armbands and flags.
  make portrait 1.18   Munch made portraits of both Strindberg and Mallarme.
  display portrait 1.05   For decades his portrait was displayed in public buildings and offices.
  remove portrait 0.86   His high school said it may remove his portrait from its place of honor.
  see portrait 0.72   No such portraits have been seen in public.
  feature portrait 0.66   Instead, the new ads feature individual portraits of musicians and young actors.
  hold portrait 0.66   Lahlou holds a portrait of his mother at his home in San Francisco.
  offer portrait 0.66   They offered a portrait of a talented, intelligent man.
  provide portrait 0.66   Hadju provides a portrait of Baez that is more complex than her public persona usually allows.
  burn portrait 0.59   They also burned a portrait of Suharto.
  commission portrait 0.53   One year, she surprised him by commissioning a portrait of Chelsea.
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