writing poetry 1.78   In later years he turned to writing poetry.
  lyric poetry 0.92   There are no special deictic terms or elements to be found in lyric poetry.
  contemporary poetry 0.86   I used contemporary poetry at one point.
  bad poetry 0.66   Lots of praise and bad poetry, you know.
  chinese poetry 0.66   He knows Chinese poetry and literature well.
  modern poetry 0.66   She finds modern poetry difficult.
  great poetry 0.59   It does, however, have a great poetry project.
  american poetry 0.53   An anthology of modern American poetry.
  english poetry 0.53   He was a student of English poetry.
  pure poetry 0.53   Pure poetry.
  good poetry 0.46   Good poetry?
  new poetry 0.46   He is working on a new album, and a new poetry collection.
  reciting poetry 0.46   He relaxes by reciting poetry with his coach.
  epic poetry 0.39   She raised herself alone, her only enjoyment memorizing epic poetry alone at night in her rural cottage.
  polish poetry 0.39   Postwar Polish poetry became eerily pertinent.
  reading poetry 0.39   Dick Ray, the Master Plumber, was sitting in bed reading poetry the other night.
  romantic poetry 0.39   The newspaper said a smitten Kelly has addressed romantic poetry to Pope.
  sheer poetry 0.39   Sheer poetry!
  visual poetry 0.39   And here is the same peculiar verbal naivete offset by astonishing visual poetry.
  beat poetry 0.33   Lampshades sport glazed collages of Beat poetry and jazz sheet music.
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