write poem 11.39   I wrote a poem.
  read poem 7.11   Why read a poem?
  recite poem 3.16   He recited a poem.
  publish poem 1.97   Around the same time, he began to publish poems.
  include poem 1.05   Every issue will include a poem read by the author.
  compose poem 0.86   He composed a poem in his head.
  memorize poem 0.53   She is memorizing poems.
  send poem 0.46   I send her poems.
  translate poem 0.46   Other poets translated the poems.
  print poem 0.39   Will you print the poem in its entirety?
  choose poem 0.33   As children, Caroline and her brother had to write or choose a poem for their mother on every holiday and birthday.
  create poem 0.33   He also created cutup poems from bits of newspaper articles.
  sing poem 0.33   One man sings a poem, for two hours.
  collect poem 0.26   His latest poems are collected in a book issued last year.
  find poem 0.26   After a vigorous probe, they found a poem in English.
  give poem 0.26   She gave her poems away for free.
  inspire poem 0.26   They, in turn, inspired poems by the French Surrealist Paul Eluard.
  love poem 0.26   Love poems?
  produce poem 0.26   That produced a poem.
  see poem 0.26   I see the poem.
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