produce plutonium 8.29   Nearly all reactors produce plutonium.
  use plutonium 3.55   Plutonium is used in nuclear bomb triggers.
  extract plutonium 3.36   They also have the capacity to extract plutonium.
  divert plutonium 2.63   The Korea is suspected of having diverted plutonium to build nuclear weapons.
  have plutonium 2.30   It already is believed to have enough plutonium for at least one bomb.
  contain plutonium 1.05   The end product would still contain some plutonium.
  make plutonium 1.05   Reconstituted fuel rods could, theoretically, be used to make plutonium.
  yield plutonium 0.99   The fuel, if processed, could yield enough plutonium for five or so bombs.
  separate plutonium 0.92   The process separates plutonium from spent fuel.
  convert plutonium 0.59   The plutonium would be converted into fuel for commercial nuclear reactors.
  carry plutonium 0.53   The Pacific Teal was to join up with another British ship, the Pacific Pintail, also carrying plutonium to Japan.
  generate plutonium 0.46   But some fear they want reactors mostly to generate plutonium for weapons.
  obtain plutonium 0.46   U.S. officials believe the North may already have obtained enough plutonium to make at least one bomb.
  stockpile plutonium 0.46   Japan has promised that it will not stockpile plutonium.
  transport plutonium 0.46   Today, ships transport plutonium to Japanese nuclear reactors.
  handle plutonium 0.39   The next year, the United States trained Indian scientists in handling plutonium.
  take plutonium 0.39   Some existing plants could be modified to take plutonium, mixed with uranium.
  burn plutonium 0.33   Many others may also be retired before they could begin burning plutonium.
  provide plutonium 0.33   US experts say the rods could provide enough plutonium for four or five bombs.
  release plutonium 0.33   According to the United States, the procedure could release enough plutonium for at least four nuclear bombs.
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