muslim pilgrim 4.41   Thousands of Muslim pilgrims traveled to Mecca.
  iranian pilgrim 4.15   Khamenei asked in a message to Iranian pilgrims.
  libyan pilgrim 3.03   Egypt then transported the rest of the Libyan pilgrims.
  christian pilgrim 2.90   Israel to allow Christian pilgrims to enter Bethlehem.
  hindu pilgrim 2.70   Eight were Hindu pilgrims.
  moslem pilgrim 1.71   One Libyan plane took off from Tripoli airport Wednesday carrying Moslem pilgrims bound for Mecca.
  iraqi pilgrim 1.65   More Iraqi pilgrims were expected to fly to Saudi Arabia on Tuesday.
  religious pilgrim 1.45   The Vatican, which is hosting a Holy Year for religious pilgrims, is not amused.
  would-be pilgrim 1.05   The government has said the would-be pilgrims will not be charged.
  afghan pilgrim 0.92   The trio reportedly arrived with the Afghan pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.
  foreign pilgrim 0.79   The number of foreign pilgrims is far fewer than normal.
  angry pilgrim 0.66   Thousands of angry pilgrims who failed to make it to the shrine later rioted in the Kashmir town of Pahalgam.
  indian pilgrim 0.59   Indian officials said more than half the dead were Indian pilgrims.
  young pilgrim 0.53   Many young pilgrims were visibly moved by seeing the pope.
  indonesian pilgrim 0.46   The late fire erupted in a part of the sprawling tent city housing Indonesian pilgrims.
  islamic pilgrim 0.46   They were flights carrying Islamic pilgrims returning from Mecca.
  jewish pilgrim 0.46   The cave was first venerated by Christians, then also by Jews and Moslems, and is now mostly visited by Jewish pilgrims.
  bangladeshi pilgrim 0.39   But he confirmed the death of Munshi and said all other Bangladeshi pilgrims are safe.
  fellow pilgrim 0.39   I confess I felt nothing but hate in my heart for my fellow pilgrims.
  flying pilgrim 0.39   Libya, which is under similar air sanctions, has also violated the sanctions by flying pilgrims to Saudi Arabia.
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