red pigment 0.92   Red pigment is mixed into the ink.
  white pigment 0.66   Titanium oxide is a white pigment used in paints, paper and cosmetics.
  blue pigment 0.53   Blue pigments were rare and expensive.
  green pigment 0.53   Chlorophyll is a group of green pigments.
  dark pigment 0.46   Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin and eyes.
  natural pigment 0.33   Grey hair is hair that has lost its natural pigment.
  brown pigment 0.26   Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin and eyes.
  colored pigment 0.26   Colored pigments are deposited first, then black ones.
  powdered pigment 0.26   I like to use powdered pigments in earthy tones to achieve a muted, aged look.
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