draft pick 11.92   High draft picks.
  first-round pick 2.96   First-round pick.
  people pick 2.57   People picked on him.
  voter pick 2.11   The voters decisively picked sides.
  team pick 1.65   The team picked itself.
  child pick 1.58   Children pick teams from a list of superstars.
  worker pick 1.45   We rely on migrant farm workers to pick the crop.
  president pick 1.38   Our presidents pick thousands of job-holders.
  player pick 1.32   Guess which option the players picked?
  company pick 1.25   Most big companies pick the first option.
  lottery pick 1.12   A future lottery pick?
  consumer pick 0.99   To see a video, consumers would pick one from a wide selection and would be billed later.
  coach pick 0.92   The coaches could pick up to four alternate forwards.
  customer pick 0.92   Dial tones will be there when customers pick up the phone.
  investor pick 0.92   Q. Does a change in rates warrant a change in how investors pick stocks?
  leader pick 0.92   NATO leaders will pick countries for early entry at a summit in July.
  government pick 0.86   They suggest the government will pick especially notorious cases for scapegoats.
  manager pick 0.86   The new general manager will then pick the new coach.
  panel pick 0.86   A media panel picks the winners.
  student pick 0.86   Students pick their own activities.
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