growing pessimism 2.37   He feels bad about the growing pessimism about the changeover.
  deep pessimism 0.86   There is deep pessimism about the future.
  widespread pessimism 0.72   But there is widespread pessimism about the measure, even among its supporters.
  increasing pessimism 0.66   A lower number shows increasing pessimism about the business outlook.
  extreme pessimism 0.46   Earlier in the day, both sides arrived spewing words of extreme pessimism.
  increased pessimism 0.46   More serious was the increased pessimism about the future.
  deepening pessimism 0.39   A deepening pessimism about tech stocks appeared to trigger the selloff, which swept across all sectors of the market.
  new pessimism 0.33   And the new pessimism is no more realistic than the old optimism.
  rising pessimism 0.33   For many investors, rising pessimism is actually a welcome sign.
  continuing pessimism 0.26   Continuing pessimism about the outlook for growth in Japan also dampened investor enthusiasm, traders said.
  dwindling pessimism 0.26   The rising optimism and dwindling pessimism may worry investors who look for contrarian indicators.
  expressed pessimism 0.26   Rwanda and Zimbabwe have both expressed pessimism over progress being made in the latest Lusaka talks.
  general pessimism 0.26   Daly also declined to join in the general pessimism about the greens.
  irrational pessimism 0.26   History offers more than a few examples of irrational exuberance followed by irrational pessimism.
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