smell permeate 0.86   The smell of vinegar permeated the air.
  feeling permeate 0.66   The feeling permeates the place.
  attitude permeate 0.39   An attitude permeates their play.
  corruption permeate 0.39   Corruption permeates all levels of society, he said.
  stench permeate 0.39   The stench of smoke permeated the air.
  smoke permeate 0.33   The smoke permeates and gently flavors the meat.
  tension permeate 0.33   Tension permeates the air at Kansas City International Airport.
  sense permeate 0.26   A sense of fellowship permeated the gathering.
  sensibility permeate 0.26   The sensibility permeates any number of new movies.
  silence permeate 0.26   A tense silence permeated the city, punctured by the sound of church bells and the weeping of relatives.
  value permeate 0.26   Money values permeate every aspect of our existence.
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