top performer 10.14   But top performers are listed in a chart.
  best performer 9.94   It has been the best performer since then.
  star performer 6.52   Star performers are rewarded with bonuses.
  young performer 4.08   Critics can make or break a young performer.
  poor performer 3.82   Still, some very poor performers disappeared.
  black performer 3.69   In music, Dole went after black performers.
  street performer 3.62   This particular Baptiste was not a street performer.
  worst performer 3.42   Thailand is the worst performer.
  strong performer 2.90   Still, there are other strong performers.
  good performer 2.30   He was a good performer, though.
  strongest performer 1.78   Last year, shipbuilding was its strongest performer.
  great performer 1.71   A great performer.
  the performer 1.65   The other performers hardly count.
  solid performer 1.58   And small-cap funds continued to be solid performers.
  veteran performer 1.51   They are the veteran performers who can lead the young ones.
  better performer 1.45   He switched Europe funds, upgrading to a better performer.
  outstanding performer 1.38   She was named outstanding performer of the meet.
  featured performer 1.32   As for the featured performers, well, this is a mini-series.
  solo performer 1.32   Solo performers are now multiple units.
  first performer 1.25   He was the first internationally known performer.
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