pay pension 3.75   We cannot pay pensions.
  receive pension 3.16   They also receive handsome pensions.
  have pension 2.24   We have pensions.
  get pension 1.71   Yes you get a pension.
  increase pension 1.58   Pensions will be increased in line with inflation.
  raise pension 1.05   They also want their pensions raised.
  collect pension 0.99   She went to the post office every week to collect her pension.
  lose pension 0.92   They lose their pensions.
  reduce pension 0.86   Opponents said it would reduce pensions for low-income workers.
  cut pension 0.79   Pensions will be cut for people who retire early.
  draw pension 0.79   How long have you been drawing a pension?
  include pension 0.79   I had six accounts going at the same time, seven if you include my pension.
  tax pension 0.66   Is your pension taxed at source ?
  guarantee pension 0.59   Everyone pays in, and everyone is guaranteed a pension.
  take pension 0.59   If he takes the pension, there is minimal risk.
  boost pension 0.53   The company says it could boost pensions with its own fund.
  fund pension 0.53   GM is not diverting cash to fund the pension, Smith said.
  grant pension 0.53   But the government has refused to grant lifelong pensions to the non-contract workers.
  protect pension 0.53   No laws protected pensions.
  provide pension 0.53   How can you provide a pension for your retirement?
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