household penetration 0.46   Cable ratings are generally lower based on household penetration.
  greater penetration 0.39   The phone company has greater penetration and higher visibility.
  sexual penetration 0.39   Anal sexual penetration.
  successful penetration 0.39   ...the successful penetration by the KGB of the French intelligence service.
  deepest penetration 0.33   The deepest penetration was in newspapers and sugar-refining.
  further penetration 0.33   As part of this strategy, we achieved further penetration of our brands and products internationally.
  increasing penetration 0.33   Weight Watchers says it can grow by increasing penetration in existing markets and entering new ones.
  anal penetration 0.26   Anal sexual penetration.
  deep penetration 0.26   The attack failed to lead to any deep penetration of enemy territory.
  first penetration 0.26   In Japan, Chinese was the first major penetration, and its impact was overwhelming.
  highest penetration 0.26   Korea has the highest broadband penetration rate of any country in the world.
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