bullet penetrate 1.97   These bullets can penetrate armor.
  light penetrate 1.05   This allows light to penetrate down through the shrub and encourages dense growth.
  player penetrate 0.86   But its players could not penetrate the well-organized French defense.
  force penetrate 0.79   Soviet forces penetrate into East Prussia, capturing Tilsit and pushing near Tannenberg.
  sunlight penetrate 0.66   Sunlight better penetrates an open rose.
  water penetrate 0.66   Cracks in these joints can allow water to penetrate into surrounding brick or stone.
  air penetrate 0.59   Grilled windows allowed the fresh air to penetrate the house.
  troop penetrate 0.59   A senior Bosnian army official said government troops penetrated Serb lines north and south of the city.
  heat penetrate 0.53   The heat penetrated through the wall.
  moisture penetrate 0.53   Excessive moisture can penetrate the wood, causing rot and decay.
  plane penetrate 0.53   Havana says the planes penetrated Cuban airspace.
  shot penetrate 0.53   The fatal shot penetrated his heart.
  sun penetrate 0.53   You want to shape the climber, so sun can penetrate the plant.
  rebel penetrate 0.46   A top Russian official on Monday harshly criticized government forces for allowing the rebels to penetrate the city.
  effort penetrate 0.39   It would not be difficult for a well-organized effort to penetrate society with bribes and promises, several Tanzanians said.
  gunman penetrate 0.39   It was unclear how the gunmen penetrated the security.
  ray penetrate 0.39   The UV-A rays penetrate more deeply and do more damage to underlying connective tissue.
  tank penetrate 0.39   No tank can penetrate the labyrinth of narrow streets where it is easy to hide.
  aircraft penetrate 0.33   Cuba maintains the two aircraft penetrated Cuban air space.
  signal penetrate 0.33   ELF signals penetrate not only water but also the depths of the earth.
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