maximum penalty 39.10   The maximum penalty was execution.
  criminal penalty 12.64   The criminal penalties are also severe.
  stiffer penalty 11.06   She talked about the need for stiffer penalties.
  financial penalty 10.53   Do members favor censure, financial penalty?
  severe penalty 9.48   Drug dealers face severe penalties.
  tougher penalty 8.95   Government urges tougher penalties.
  stiff penalty 7.90   Violators face stiff penalties.
  civil penalty 7.11   The fines are civil penalties.
  harsher penalty 6.91   Harsher penalties.
  harsh penalty 5.40   No one is prescribing a harsh penalty.
  major penalty 5.20   He was given a five-minute major penalty.
  anti-death penalty 5.13   Anti-death penalty advocates disagree.
  possible penalty 5.13   Possible penalties were not spelled out.
  new penalty 4.87   The high court ordered a new penalty hearing.
  holding penalty 3.88   Four holding penalties.
  minor penalty 3.69   Snow received two minor penalties.
  economic penalty 3.29   No economic penalties are on the table.
  late penalty 3.29   Then came the late penalty.
  first penalty 3.23   The first penalty arrived after only four minutes.
  heavy penalty 3.16   Violators face heavy financial penalties.
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