great patience 1.65   But he had great patience.
  infinite patience 0.99   A man possessed of infinite patience.
  little patience 0.86   No wonder people have such little patience with new technology.
  public patience 0.72   Public patience was never put to the test.
  endless patience 0.66   Most of all, thank you for your endless patience and forgiveness.
  counseling patience 0.53   And Madden was counseling patience.
  extraordinary patience 0.46   And it will require more than just extraordinary patience.
  same patience 0.46   The same patience applied to writing songs for the new Bush album.
  uncommon patience 0.46   There is uncommon patience in these waters.
  losing patience 0.39   The police on duty could do little to stop them and, losing patience with the situation, arrested over twenty students.
  scant patience 0.39   But Okinawans are showing scant patience.
  admirable patience 0.33   And meanwhile, they are exercising admirable patience.
  american patience 0.33   Other U.S. officials have said American patience is running out.
  enormous patience 0.33   They are a team of enormous patience and versatility.
  lost patience 0.33   Knight lost patience and was caught at deep mid-on, whereupon the brakes went on the England run rate.
  tremendous patience 0.33   It requires tremendous patience and tolerance for failure.
  considerable patience 0.26   City officials said they showed considerable patience.
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