new pathway 0.86   Her very flexible young mind developed new pathways for handling symbolic information.
  narrow pathway 0.72   It makes a low rumble, the wall of water growing taller and taller as it accelerates down a narrow pathway.
  neural pathway 0.59   ...neural pathways in the brain.
  alternative pathway 0.53   Scheme showing alternative splicing pathway of the visceral isoform.
  ancient pathway 0.46   Villagers complained last week when officials temporarily closed an ancient pathway near the mansion.
  same pathway 0.46   Desserts follow the same endangered pathways.
  chemical pathway 0.39   And it does so through a chemical pathway that most plants have the ability to use.
  possible pathway 0.39   All possible pathways are therefore defined by the design of the software.
  common pathway 0.33   But, Horowitz said, there was no common pathway and no way to make sense of the disparate hypotheses.
  developmental pathway 0.33   Or, they could have their developmental pathway specified before they begin migrating and then would migrate to the correct sites.
  evolutionary pathway 0.33   The explanatory notes on the evolutionary pathway are somewhat more scientific.
  winding pathway 0.33   Trees and winding pathways conceal the houses.
  major pathway 0.26   Water is also a universal solvent and provides the major pathway for the flow of sediment nutrients and pollutants.
  metabolic pathway 0.26   Even a simple bacterium like E. coli is a jungle of interconnected metabolic pathways.
  molecular pathway 0.26   But the study could suggest a molecular pathway for scientists who are developing drugs.
  spiritual pathway 0.26   The second was a spiritual pathway.
  splicing pathway 0.26   Scheme showing alternative splicing pathway of the visceral isoform.
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