press palm 1.45   One man sobbed, pressing his palm over his eyes.
  slap palm 1.12   Palm is getting slapped.
  place palm 1.05   Crossing to her, he placed a palm against her brow.
  grease palm 0.86   Grease the palm.
  put palm 0.46   I put my palm to each shaker containing ice and spirits.
  raise palm 0.46   He shook his head and raised his palms skyward.
  read palm 0.46   I read no palms and need no tarot cards.
  turn palm 0.39   Staley asked Holdsclaw, with her hand extended, palm turned up.
  fill palm 0.33   They easily fill the palm of one hand.
  rub_together palm 0.33   To calm himself, he rubbed his palms together.
  have palm 0.26   Doyle still has the palms.
  hold palm 0.26   He held the palms of his hands upward as if he were asking forgiveness.
  rub palm 0.26   He rubbed the palms of his sweaty hands.
  use palm 0.26   Using your palms, roll the chocolate mounds into balls.
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