demand outstrip 5.13   Demand can outstrip supply.
  growth outstrip 1.05   Growth has outstripped infrastructure.
  price outstrip 0.66   But prices outstripped rents.
  supply outstrip 0.53   Those reports raised investor concern that supply would outstrip demand.
  cost outstrip 0.39   Prices have dropped so much that production costs outstrip sales.
  consumption outstrip 0.33   The withdrawals had raised concern consumption was outstripping new supply from mines.
  gain outstrip 0.33   Real estate shares fell on concern recent price gains have outstripped potential earnings growth for the industry.
  increase outstrip 0.33   That increase has outstripped the increase in inmate population during that same period.
  production outstrip 0.33   World sugar production will outstrip consumption for the second year running, a leading forecaster said Thursday.
  import outstrip 0.26   Inflation is rising and imports are increasingly outstripping exports.
  inflation outstrip 0.26   Inflation far outstrips wage increases.
  service outstrip 0.26   In other words, demand for goods and services outstrips supply, which leads to inflation.
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