american orchestra 5.27   Of course, American orchestras are very virtuoso.
  major orchestra 5.27   Only major orchestras can do that.
  full orchestra 1.78   A full orchestra, heavy on strings.
  great orchestra 1.05   What next for this great orchestra?
  small orchestra 1.05   A small orchestra was playing.
  virtual orchestra 1.05   As in pop music, the virtual orchestra may creep into the field.
  european orchestra 0.92   He also was a guest conductor and oboist for other European orchestras.
  new orchestra 0.92   Count Basie had just put together a new orchestra.
  large orchestra 0.79   ...a large orchestra, with a vast percussion section.
  local orchestra 0.72   One was in the local philharmonic orchestra.
  regional orchestra 0.72   That regional orchestra is hoping to restructure.
  big orchestra 0.66   He had nursed an ambition to lead his own big orchestra.
  leading orchestra 0.66   He also conducted leading orchestras in other cities across Europe.
  jazz orchestra 0.59   Berger conducted the jazz orchestra.
  modern orchestra 0.59   The modern orchestra was all improvement, the acme of range, power and efficiency.
  philharmonic orchestra 0.59   One was in the local philharmonic orchestra.
  different orchestra 0.46   I was very lucky because every three weeks I was soloist with a different Romanian orchestra.
  entire orchestra 0.46   The wild applause continued even after the entire orchestra had left the stage.
  professional orchestra 0.46   Last year it became the first American professional orchestra to perform in Hanoi since the Vietnam War.
  top orchestra 0.39   The Vienna Philharmonic, the last known male-only top orchestra, will admit women in future.
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