higher orbit 1.97   They also gave the station a lift to a higher orbit.
  low orbit 1.65   Not just hit, but sent into low orbit.
  geostationary orbit 1.58   It will be placed in geostationary orbit high above Sri Lanka.
  circular orbit 1.32   So far we have been discussing circular orbits.
  elliptical orbit 1.12   The earth moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit.
  proper orbit 0.99   But the agency failed to position the satellite into the proper geostationary orbit.
  high orbit 0.66   It will be placed in geostationary orbit high above Sri Lanka.
  different orbit 0.59   Even if they did, moving to an alternate satellite in a different orbit is a labor-intensive process.
  lunar orbit 0.59   A few days later, it will enter lunar orbit.
  eccentric orbit 0.46   Theorists have proposed several possible explanations for such eccentric orbits.
  elongated orbit 0.46   Comets are hunks of dirt and ice with elongated orbits that take them from the outer solar system to near the sun.
  lower orbit 0.46   The cargo ships would use their engines to direct Mir into lower orbits.
  designated orbit 0.39   The satellite successfully entered its designated orbit later Friday.
  intended orbit 0.39   A rocket motor failed and the spacecraft did not reach its intended orbit.
  polar orbit 0.39   This means India would be able to put satellites of other countries into the polar orbit for a fee.
  closer orbit 0.33   Closer orbits imply higher speeds.
  exact orbit 0.33   She said astronomers would continue to observe Comet Hale Bopp to pin down its exact orbit.
  fractured orbit 0.33   He has a fractured orbit in his right eye.
  new orbit 0.33   -- Attach nuclear-powered rockets to the asteroid to gradually accelerate it into a new orbit.
  planned orbit 0.33   Mission officials said the Columbia achieved its planned orbit with only minor trouble.
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