investor optimism 5.92   Investor optimism continued Tuesday.
  consumer optimism 1.32   Much depends on consumer optimism, however.
  market optimism 1.25   Airline stocks benefitted from the general market optimism.
  earnings optimism 0.92   Stocks whose earnings tend to follow the economy gained amid the earnings growth optimism.
  business optimism 0.79   And the move clearly aided business optimism.
  government optimism 0.79   Government optimism that the crime wave may at last be under control will be little consolation to Franc Hyde.
  economy optimism 0.66   Optimism the economy is on the rise also sent other stocks higher.
  growth optimism 0.59   Japanese stocks rose, led by electronic and software makers on growth optimism.
  bond optimism 0.39   U.S. stocks surged as falling bond yields renewed optimism that profits have room to expand.
  company optimism 0.33   Burnett, who says the FTC probably will oppose the transactions, said some may be influenced too much by company optimism about approval prospects.
  dollar optimism 0.33   The company may be boosted by dollar optimism, she added.
  report optimism 0.33   Other gainers in the Seattle area included Starbucks Corp., which has rebounded recently as strong economic reports bolstered optimism about retail stocks.
  stock optimism 0.33   Rising U.S. stocks also bolstered optimism that companies with global operations will have stronger earnings.
  day optimism 0.26   Still, neuro labs are filled with an unmistakable air of optimism these days.
  inflation optimism 0.26   Fear of accelerating inflation reduced optimism the government will cut interest rates soon.
  official optimism 0.26   Olympic officials expressed optimism that by awarding the games to China, change will follow.
  preseason optimism 0.26   Preseason optimism turns into regular-season reality.
  voice optimism 0.26   And officials continue to voice cautious optimism that they can fix relations with Brazil.
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