die of 446.48   He died of cancer.
  speak of 353.33   It had no bones to speak of.
  complain of 243.52   He complained of a headache.
  talk of 121.40   We must talk of them.
  lifting of 100.40   But there are signs of a lifting of tensions.
  signing of 97.96   You got the signing of.
  compose of 73.40   Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
  say of 53.52   Bruno said of Silver.
  part of 50.10   And was it part of that?
  be of 47.27   Still, what the hell business was it of mine?
  comprise of 40.29   Each system is comprised of two thruster engines.
  leave of 38.91   Oh, he left of his own accord?
  expect of 37.79   And much is expected of him.
  slaying of 37.66   The slaying of Yitzhak Rabin.
  out of 36.27   And out of it.
  remain of 36.14   Little remained of Milcom Moloch.
  bomb of 35.88   Bombing of the church in Birmingham.
  go of 32.72   Let go of my arm!
  monitoring of 31.53   The monitoring of safety by site management.
  have of 31.34   And that is all I have of her.
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