use obtain 4.15   Threats must not be used in order to obtain confessions.
  court obtain 0.59   He then went to court to obtain custody, but two lower Illinois courts ruled against him.
  work obtain 0.59   Hyman said drug companies are working to obtain answers to those questions.
  destroy obtain 0.39   But human embryos must be destroyed to obtain these stem cells.
  display obtain 0.39   When you select this option, the first page will be displayed to obtain the name of the user to be updated.
  do obtain 0.39   She again categorically denied any deals had been done to obtain the release of the hostages.
  sue obtain 0.39   Guadarrama sued to obtain access to the forms, prevailing in August.
  be obtain 0.33   Submission is not consent, nor is consent obtained when the victim is drugged or drunk.
  can obtain 0.26   He had done everything he could to obtain it.
  negotiate obtain 0.26   Ivax said it is negotiating to obtain a waiver.
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