strong objection 7.64   That focus has prompted strong objections.
  russian objection 3.03   COLOGNE, Russian objections.
  israeli objection 2.04   He was vague about how the census would be carried out over Israeli objections.
  moral objection 1.97   Those with moral objections have a point.
  serious objection 1.84   A serious objection by one can scuttle a deal.
  main objection 1.71   But that is not their main objection.
  strenuous objection 1.71   Unless there are strenuous objections, I am making preparations to go.
  major objection 1.51   However, two major objections can be raised.
  similar objection 1.45   McNamara, and others voice similar objections.
  religious objection 1.38   What if the family has religious objections?
  conscientious objection 1.32   Not the rights and wrongs of conscientious objection.
  american objection 1.25   The U.S. side says the changes do not satisfy American objections.
  british objection 1.25   He insisted British objections would not deflect Ireland from proposing major reforms.
  democratic objection 1.18   But the lines of Democratic objection were quickly apparent.
  formal objection 1.12   Romulo said this might not be a formal diplomatic objection.
  antitrust objection 1.05   The U.S. Justice Department raised no antitrust objections to the merger last December.
  possible objection 1.05   What possible objection can there be to doing so now?
  vehement objection 1.05   But several proposals drew vehement objections from members.
  chinese objection 0.99   Lee was unable to attend the summit due to Chinese objections.
  specific objection 0.92   Without specific objections, the challenge is thrown out.
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