remove nucleus 1.78   The researchers removed the nucleus from cat eggs and fused the eggs with cumulus cells.
  have nucleus 1.58   We have the nucleus.
  replace nucleus 0.59   In cloning, scientists replace the nucleus of an egg with DNA from another cell.
  keep nucleus 0.39   Jacksonville has kept its nucleus and keeps adding to it.
  transfer nucleus 0.33   In fact, some researchers are already transferring nuclei from adult human cells.
  move nucleus 0.26   So far, Grifo has shown that he can move egg nuclei around, which is, in essence what is required for cloning.
  orbit nucleus 0.26   Electrons, which are in the lepton family, orbit the nuclei to complete the atomic structure.
  surround nucleus 0.26   The cytoplasm, the jellylike material surrounding the nucleus, turns green.
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