very notion 5.73   Bochy dreamed of the very notion.
  whole notion 4.87   Some think the whole notion is overblown.
  popular notion 3.55   Outside of LA, this is not a popular notion.
  preconceived notion 3.42   I had no preconceived notions.
  romantic notion 2.96   Everyone seemed drawn to this romantic notion.
  traditional notion 2.96   The traditional notion of marriage goes back thousands of years.
  old notion 2.50   Carolina challenges old notions.
  vague notion 1.91   She had a vague notion about what happened.
  such notion 1.84   He scoffs at such a notion.
  quaint notion 1.45   Quaint notion.
  conventional notion 1.12   Are our conventional notions of intelligent life too narrow?
  western notion 1.05   They have always looked askance at the western notion of democracy.
  radical notion 0.99   It was not such a radical notion.
  american notion 0.92   Another is the peculiarly American notion of self-invention.
  common notion 0.86   It is a common notion that Tiger Woods has a better passing gear than a Ferrari.
  different notion 0.86   The Art Commission had different notions.
  modern notion 0.86   Palmer never subscribed to the modern notion of showing no emotion on the golf course.
  abstract notion 0.79   Has this abstract notion ever come so alive?
  long-held notion 0.79   It also dispelled the long-held notion about coaching in New York.
  mistaken notion 0.79   This is a fatally mistaken notion.
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