starting nod 1.12   Pitino gave Jerome Moiso and Mark Blount starting nods.
  curt nod 0.86   Vitor gave a curt nod.
  little nod 0.86   Newell gives a little nod.
  knowing nod 0.59   Cal and Amos give a knowing nod.
  slight nod 0.59   He gave a slight nod.
  only nod 0.53   The only nod to local architecture is the upturned eaves on some of the roofs.
  approving nod 0.46   He took the mug with an approving nod.
  quick nod 0.46   He gave Sabrina a quick nod of acknowledgement.
  final nod 0.39   In a final nod to good karma, Rose chose loyalty.
  republican nod 0.33   Media owner Michael Bloomberg and former congressman Herman Badillo are seeking the Republican nod.
  single nod 0.33   He gave a single nod.
  small nod 0.33   Told that the Sox had won, he gave a small nod of satisfaction.
  brief nod 0.26   They greeted each other with brief nods.
  democratic nod 0.26   There is a three-way battle for the Democratic nod.
  friendly nod 0.26   And he made a friendly nod to the young dissidents.
  presidential nod 0.26   Lieberman got the official vice presidential nod from Al Gore in front of a nation.
  quiet nod 0.26   Millon did not say whether allies in communication with the French have given a quiet nod of assent.
  sympathetic nod 0.26   A sympathetic nod.
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