season near 2.11   Expectations are high as the season nears.
  election near 1.97   As the election nears, things begin to speed.
  deadline near 1.65   Amnesty deadline nears end.
  date near 1.51   Obviously security is tight as the summit date nears.
  plane near 1.05   Early the next day, the plane neared the airport at Brussels.
  time near 0.99   That time nears.
  vote near 0.86   Vote nears on Samper impeachment.
  company near 0.59   When the bank financing dried up, the company neared the brink.
  end near 0.59   But the end was nearing.
  talk near 0.59   Talks were nearing collapse.
  millennium near 0.53   But, oh, how TV is the Terminator as the millennium nears.
  ship near 0.53   The ship was nearing the harbour.
  side near 0.53   Earlier Russian negotiators had said the two sides were nearing an agreement.
  day near 0.46   They knew their playing days were nearing an end.
  negotiator near 0.46   The negotiators were nearing a decision.
  trial near 0.46   The trial is nearing the end of its fourth week.
  troop near 0.46   As the security troops neared the house, the guerrillas opened fire.
  bus near 0.39   The bus had neared the hotel when the explosion occurred.
  campaign near 0.39   Nightmare campaign nears end.
  country near 0.39   The country is nearing the capability to produce nuclear weapons.
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