weekday morning 4.61   He goes to work in a motorcade most weekday mornings.
  winter morning 3.95   It was a grey winter morning.
  spring morning 2.76   The air smells sweet as a spring morning.
  summer morning 2.37   Or the exhilaration of a cool, clear summer morning?
  sun morning 1.84   Which areas get direct morning sun?
  weekend morning 1.18   Not on a weekend morning with our bagel.
  hour morning 1.12   The other went unceremoniously in the early morning hours Saturday.
  week morning 1.05   Seven days a week morning.
  fall morning 0.79   On this sunny fall morning, there is a sudden chill in the air.
  election morning 0.33   Early turnout was light in central Kishinev on the overcast election morning.
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