set mood 3.69   He set the mood.
  change mood 2.24   You can feel it change your mood.
  lighten mood 2.17   It lightened their mood.
  reflect mood 2.11   The clothes reflect this mood.
  capture mood 1.97   We capture the mood.
  create mood 1.97   The crowd aims to create a mood.
  improve mood 1.71   This was not improving my mood.
  match mood 1.58   It matches your mood.
  affect mood 1.51   The pain also affected his moods.
  dampen mood 1.05   Nothing, however, could dampen the mood.
  describe mood 1.05   Blue described her mood.
  gauge mood 1.05   He accurately gauged the mood of the voters.
  sour mood 0.99   Now, the Bouteflika candidacy has soured the mood.
  catch mood 0.92   No amount of analysis and informed guesswork could have caught the mood better.
  suit mood 0.92   But it had suited her mood, too.
  establish mood 0.79   Blu, the lighting designer, has much to do with establishing a mood.
  alter mood 0.66   One word altered his mood.
  darken mood 0.66   The bad news darkened his mood.
  lift mood 0.66   The conversation lifted their mood.
  enhance mood 0.59   It can make people feel calmer, it enhances mood.
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