abolish monarchy 1.84   England abolish the monarchy?
  restore monarchy 1.84   Some even speak of restoring the monarchy.
  overthrow monarchy 1.05   Others pointed to Maoist rebels who have sought to overthrow the monarchy.
  support monarchy 0.53   He said he thought the majority of Serbs would support a monarchy.
  have monarchy 0.46   Finland never had a monarchy.
  save monarchy 0.46   If Charles really is seriously unpopular, he may have to abandon the throne to save the monarchy.
  return monarchy 0.39   He has lobbied to return the monarchy to Libya.
  scrap monarchy 0.39   But negotiations stumbled over Maoist demands that the monarchy be scrapped.
  criticize monarchy 0.33   Kissielewicz then criticized the monarchy, sources said.
  preserve monarchy 0.33   Even so, members of parliament from all parties said that divorce appeared the only way to preserve the monarchy.
  revere monarchy 0.33   Thais revere their monarchy.
  end monarchy 0.26   The recent bloodbath may yet end the monarchy in Nepal.
  modernize monarchy 0.26   A conscious effort was made in the post-war years to modernize the monarchy.
  oppose monarchy 0.26   He said he rejected it in part because he opposes the monarchy as undemocratic.
  retain monarchy 0.26   It could not be denied even by those who questioned the wisdom of retaining a monarchy.
  topple monarchy 0.26   They are seeking to topple the monarchy and install a social republic.
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