draw moisture 4.08   While they sit, moisture is drawn out.
  absorb moisture 3.88   The leaves absorb moisture from the air.
  retain moisture 3.36   It retains moisture, too.
  hold moisture 2.04   The air holds moisture like a cloth.
  keep moisture 2.04   -- Keep moisture away from your foundation.
  gather moisture 1.84   Another storm will gather moisture in the western Gulf of Mexico on Saturday.
  remove moisture 1.71   Squeeze to remove excess moisture.
  add moisture 1.58   This treatment also adds moisture to secretions.
  need moisture 1.58   No, they need moisture.
  trap moisture 1.58   Decaying straw and leaves trap moisture and keep out most weeds.
  bring moisture 1.45   The front could also bring moisture to parts of New Mexico.
  provide moisture 1.45   Provide moisture to sustain the wasps.
  conserve moisture 1.18   -- Mulch beds to protect roots and conserve moisture.
  lose moisture 1.18   The body had lost more moisture.
  reduce moisture 1.12   Reduce moisture, mainly by ventilating.
  have moisture 0.86   Fat-free foods have less moisture.
  carry moisture 0.72   This has permitted more moisture to be carried into the area.
  transport moisture 0.72   And that, in turn, will transport moisture throughout the house.
  prevent moisture 0.59   My question is about preventing moisture under the house.
  suck moisture 0.59   These plants suck moisture from the soil.
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