extra mile 5.13   I go the extra mile.
  half mile 4.87   Go about half a mile.
  last mile 3.49   I walked the last mile home.
  final mile 2.37   Cate went down in the final mile.
  long mile 1.84   That trail is about a mile long.
  first mile 1.65   It was the first indoor mile he ever ran.
  wide mile 1.12   The river is over a mile wide here.
  endless mile 0.59   For endless miles did not sit down.
  distant mile 0.46   About a mile distant, long-since razed, was Nukku Grammar School.
  high mile 0.46   Ice formations rise a mile high.
  third mile 0.46   The third mile would be used to slow down.
  accumulated mile 0.39   Last month, United, American and Delta eased up on rules governing the expiration of accumulated miles.
  deep mile 0.39   This enormous canyon is over a mile deep.
  free mile 0.39   Some come with free miles, others charge for everything from a cell phone to a CD player.
  indoor mile 0.39   It was the first indoor mile he ever ran.
  next mile 0.39   No one responded and, by the next mile, he was out of reach.
  closing mile 0.33   He was up there in a three-man pack in the closing miles.
  fastest mile 0.33   It would be the fastest mile ever run in the United States.
  flat mile 0.33   He worked the horse the following day and he worked him a flat mile.
  american mile 0.26   Holders of American miles can use them for TWA flights.
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