dangerous microbe 1.18   The brewers boiled the water they used, killing dangerous microbes.
  deadly microbe 1.05   And supplies of the deadly microbes needed for research are harder to come by.
  martian microbe 0.66   Martian microbes may have trouble surviving on Earth.
  invading microbe 0.59   The immune system puts up two general types of defense against invading microbes.
  harmful microbe 0.53   This gives harmful microbes the chance to mutate to survive.
  fossil microbe 0.46   Farmer knows from experience how hard it is to find fossil microbes on Earth.
  new microbe 0.46   Every time an assay is made, new microbes are found.
  resistant microbe 0.46   The resistant microbes they create can spread to humans.
  living microbe 0.39   It may well be that most of them are produced by living microbes, he said.
  airborne microbe 0.33   The sickness moved from room to room, which suggested it was caused by an airborne microbe.
  common microbe 0.33   Genetic engineering might also be used to transfer a gene for a toxin into a common microbe.
  fossilized microbe 0.33   Were the objects fossilized microbes?
  toxic microbe 0.33   Last summer, several bay tributaries suffered the latest outbreaks of a toxic microbe, Pfiesteria piscicida.
  ancient microbe 0.26   The genetic analysis of an ancient microbe revealed secrets about how the tree of life is organized.
  different microbe 0.26   Three different microbes are thought to contribute to clogged arteries.
  disease-causing microbe 0.26   It is effective only against a handful of disease-causing microbes, and does not work in all cases.
  lethal microbe 0.26   It also requires drug and background checks on lab workers who handle certain lethal microbes.
  possible microbe 0.26   Last year, however, a scientific team reported finding possible fossil microbes in a meteorite from Mars.
  sensitive microbe 0.26   The main neutrophil chemoattractant in this enteropathy may be a metronidazole sensitive microbe.
  terrestrial microbe 0.26   The higher reaches of the sky may have been contaminated by terrestrial microbes riding on satellites or rockets.
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