sell merchandise 7.83   A shop sells Star Trek merchandise.
  buy merchandise 3.29   They buy merchandise.
  discount merchandise 1.91   Some merchandise is discounted.
  move merchandise 1.84   Their mission is to move souvenir merchandise.
  ship merchandise 1.45   Some stopped shipping merchandise.
  offer merchandise 1.18   After each segment, related merchandise will be offered for sale.
  order merchandise 1.18   We also love to order merchandise over the phone.
  return merchandise 1.05   Can they return merchandise?
  carry merchandise 0.99   Fifty trucks will be allowed to carry merchandise from Gaza to Israel.
  display merchandise 0.99   By day, the steps are used to display merchandise like handbags and shoes.
  receive merchandise 0.79   Model receives Ghost merchandise in lieu of cash.
  purchase merchandise 0.66   In most cases, you must have this number to purchase merchandise from wholesalers.
  steal merchandise 0.53   The victims were looters who had broken in to steal merchandise.
  take merchandise 0.53   But Nordstrom took the merchandise back anyway.
  deliver merchandise 0.46   We want the Net to deliver that merchandise ... in this case music.
  handle merchandise 0.46   Please do not handle the merchandise.
  hawk merchandise 0.46   But can the league successfully hawk merchandise via the Internet if it cannot do so in stores?
  send merchandise 0.46   The deadline will come even sooner for givers who want to send actual merchandise.
  examine merchandise 0.39   As with many deals, the sale is much less appealing after the merchandise has been examined closely.
  get merchandise 0.39   But because she did not get any merchandise, the store also would not arrest her.
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